Success Stories
People from all walks of life comment on their experiences with our product.
Read these stories and ask yourself if you've ever been in a similar situation.
See how embarrassment (due to Flatulence) was prevented for these individuals.
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-------- TESTIMONIALS ----------
This really works - I'm back for a second one! Honestly, it's a miracle. Deb
I love this product. My life is much better and less embarrassing. Thanks to the makers of this product, I'm forever grateful. D.J.
This product has been a saviour in my life. Every GI or other doctor with patients suffering from this disorder should recommend this to their patients. I am amazed my doctors have not recommended it after I have dealt with this problem so long. Thank you so much. L
This is my third order. My wife had gotten to the point she would not leave the house. The world has opened back up for her. Thank you
I have been so pleased with this product that I will definitely be a loyal lifelong customer. I am no longer faced with the choice of eating or staying home. Thank you for allowing me to put an 18 year long problem behind me--no pun intended. LL
Awesome. Did just what I hoped it would do. I am a body builder and consume a huge amount of protein everyday and my protein farts were starting to gross even myself out. Charcoal tabs are out of the question as I also take prescription medications. The Flat-D worked wonders. The page has been bookmarked and I will order more in the future.
Love your product. Recovering from stomach cancer and removal of my stomach, I have had frequent problems with gas. Your product has enabled me to avoid embarrassment when traveling with small and large groups clients. It REALLY works!
WK from MA
Your products have saved me from embarrassment many times, and I appreciate that your company exists!
Thank you!
Rating: Excellent
Price Rating:OK
Shipping Options Rating:Excellent
Delivery Rating:Excellent
Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent
Customer Service Rating:Excellent
This product really works, I called and the customer service that I received was excellent. All my questions were answered and shipping was very quick. I am very pleased with the product and plan on getting more.
The product works as advertized. I travel by car over 2+ hours per day, and my car no longer smells horrible! When in a meeting, the filter is a god send! Each pad/filter does "wear out", I guess how soon depends upon the person,.. but they are well built/produced and have not been a problem due to coming apart, tearing, etc. If you have trouble with chronic flatulence - buy this. J.H.
Rating: Excellent
Price Rating:Excellent
Shipping Options Rating:Excellent
Delivery Rating:Good
Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent
Customer Service Rating:Excellent
I was skeptical at first but now I'm a loyal customer. The delivery time did take a little longer then I expected but that was the only flaw. Service was excellent, pricing is about right, and the product is the best there is. I can't enough about the product. I really only get the chair version but this works best for me. I no longer have to excuse myself 10 times after lunch to relieve myself, or sit uncomfortably or in pain. This product works so well that nobody knows what I'm doing or have just done. Again I was skeptical because my odors can be stronger then walking through a sewer factory. But nope. Flar-D grabs it all, leaving me feel relieved and not embarrassed. And also, it allows me to continue working without disruption. I'm able to stay productive and focused on my tasks and not think about any discomfort or how I'm going to excuse myself again.
1-2014 Rating: Excellent
Price Rating:Good
Shipping Options Rating:Good
Delivery Rating:Good
Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent
Customer Service Rating:Excellent
Body:Great product, a Godsend. I recommend these products to anyone. I've only used the bigger chair model not the one that fits inside your clothing. But the chair model works great. As long as you make it airtight to the gas thru and doesn't escape thru the sides. No more pain, discomfort or embarrassing moments. Lets you concentrate on your task at hand and not how to get away to relieve yourself. Customer Service is great, ordering is easy, and the product is delivered very quickly. All I can say is, give it a try. You'll then wonder how you ever managed without it.
I have to thank you for this product. I have recently been diagnosed with IBS & i've been miserable. I work in a cubicle farm with many office workers around me - huge embarrassment. I didn't want to be around anyone at anytime not knowing when my "problem" might flare up. Your product has increased my livelyhood! Thank you!!
12-2012 Rating: Excellent
Price Rating:Excellent
Shipping Options Rating:Excellent
Delivery Rating:Excellent
Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent
Customer Service Rating:Excellent
Body:I have ordered products from Flat-D Innovations, Inc. twice a year for about 4 years and have never had any problem. I have ordered both over the phone and online and the service is exceptional.
9-2011 YES! Wonderful product! THANK YOU! Irene
4-2011 I thought I'd go back into hiding after my bypass surgery. I was so isolated when I was obese - then, this horrible gas problem afterward! Even my daughter wouldn't go shopping or eat out with me! And meeting my son-in-law-to- be or his family???? I fasted for a week! I don't know what it is about flat-d. When I put it on, I have LESS gas! I think it's because I'm not as nervous. It really WORKS! It doesn't take ALL the problems away - I still have to be careful with some veggies and beans, especially when I work or have meetings - but my confidence and HAPPINESS is 150% better. I would never be without flat-d! Now I'm thin and HAPPY! And I had a marathon shopping day with my daughter - no problems! THANK YOU!
6-2010 I have ordered products from Flat-D Innovations, Inc. twice a year for about 4 years and have never had any problem. I have ordered both over the phone and online and the service is exceptional.
I just had to rave about your product, a friend of mine split his order with me and we have been exchanging knowing looks whenever we pass gas in public because we know that thanks to your product we can fart without fear of grossing people out or causing them to run away. You have no idea what kind of quality of life improvements your product has given me, in a movie, at work, with the ladies. I will tell you there is nothing worse then being on a hot date and cutting one so pungent that it melts your dates contact lenses. Now I am fearless, I only wish I could wear them in a pool or without clothes, now that would solve some problems! Thank you again for this miracle cloth that has raised my lifes value exponentially. J.B.
" You have changed my life! ".
Just one weekend of using your product and I am no longer a social pariah! There's no point in trying to be delicate about a problem like this I had gastric bypass surgery about 9 months ago and have beyond awful gas. There is nothing I can take (Beano - Gas-X, etc) that works. I have tried being very careful with what I eat (and I don't eat much!) My coworkers have been pretty nice about it for the most part, but I know it was hard to work in a small office with someone like me. I never went anywhere without a bottle of air freshener. My family complained all the time and I know I was an embarrassment to them. I sat at home in a room by myself a lot. In social situations, I would have to leave and find someplace to hide and pass gas. Fine if it's a public restroom, but not so discreet if you're in someone else's home. Then I ordered your product. My first day using it, and it was unbelievable. I'm at work and my colleagues are laughing with me, not running away! I can ride in the car with my family and keep the windows up! It's absolutely amazing. A bonus is the protection it also provides against feminine odor. I'm a new person and can walk free and confident in public now without fear of embarrassment. THANK YOU!!! D.M.
Comments: Great product. I am capable of pressuring an aircraft with my wind. I have been to an allergist,changed my diet, and taken "Beano". Nothing has worked.But this is like a breath of fresh air(so to speak).Thanks -CO
Your product REALLY helped me! THANK YOU!! It's so nice to know that I now have protection even when I'm in a meeting, riding in a car with other people or during a job interview!! I'm so happy with your product that I'm coming back for more. Glad to see you have more products available now.
I've been using the Flat-D charcoal pads for a few months now and they have virtually eliminated my flatulence problems. I use them in a pair of underwear that I wear over my regular underwear. That way I don't have to stick them on new underwear every day. I keep them in the same pair for about a week. Since the pads never touch my skin I don't have to wash them as frequently either. My husband used to complain all the time about the smell. He has a very sensitive nose. Now I never have to feel ashamed and embarassed again. I love this product! Sue
Overall Rating: Excellent Price Rating:Excellent
Shipping Options Rating:Excellent
Delivery Rating:Excellent
Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent
Customer Service Rating:Excellent
Body:This is my second order from Flat-D, and Im thrilled with their service and the product. It has made my life much simpler and better.
Ann Nelson
I just wanted to thank you for giving me back my life. I am a rectal cancer survivor. Because of the type of cancer I had, I had to have a temporary colostomy. After having it reversed, I had terrible odor when I passed gas. This was very embrassing! I am a Massage Therapist and have to work very closely with people. I always had hospital strength deodrizer with me but it just didn't do the job. I am now using your product and have not been able to stop smiling! Thank you again and God Bless! Beverly Crismond Easton, MD
I need to thank you for inventing this lifesaver. I remember the desperation and anxiety I felt as one night I searched intently to find a solution to my humiliating problem that was worsening. I came across your website and I purchased the deoderizer. It was the answer to my prayers. I facetiously tell my close friends that many lives of those around me have been spared my body's wrath, but comedy aside I am truly grateful to your company. I wear the deoderizer daily so I can function carefree at my job, and in other public places. Thank you so much, Josie from Chicago
> Rating: Excellent
> Comments:
> Price Rating:Good
> Shipping Options Rating:Excellent
> Delivery Rating:Excellent
> Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent
> Customer Service Rating:Excellent
Body:I am a beautiful woman who is currently networking for a new career opportunity after nearly a decade as a project manager with a major corporation. Due to my diet restrictions, and gall bladder removal, there are times when I suffer from terrible flatulence. This malady, though embarrassing for anyone, I believe is particularly embarrassing for women as it is outside the societal norm of what is expected for us to do. Though of course we are only human as well. Originally, I had great resistance to trying Flad-D as I first felt it was rather vulgar in the way it had to be worn. But after trying natural herbs such as Fennel, Bean-O, and other remedies I finally caved and made my first purchase - and I am so glad I did! Almost immediately after receiving my order I attended not one but two conferences, in order to expand my networking opportunities. During each, which were dinner conferences followed by a presentation, I was sitting in very close proximity to my fellow c! olleagues. Flat-D saved the evening both times. I was able to relax and enjoy myself and visit with ease without having to worry about pesky odors coming from my direction. Flat-D has been incredibly helpful with my love life as well and my boyfriend, who has openly complained about this problem in the past, no longer has an issue. My embarrassing moments are behind me (no pun intended) Thank you so much Flat-D!
Rating : Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: I was very happy with Flat-D Innovations, Inc. Their product is excellent and so far has lived up to all they claimed it would do. I received the product very, very soon after I had ordered it, Im happy to say. I was a bit concerned about the cost at first, but with the results Ive gotten so far, I think it was well worth the money! I would happily recommend Flat-D Innovations to others with a need similar to mine!!
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: OK
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: Exceptional customer service. Offered a complimentary product when one I requested was out of stock. Extremely fast shipping. They put people first. Helpful and excellent quality products. Would definitely purchase from this company again.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: Product works as promised. Simple to use and very effective. Congrats on a terrific product.
Hi Brian,
We are so thrilled with your product Flat-D, and it really proved effective with my moms health problems. I can't even begin to tell you how Flat D's are already changing her life! Now, she'll be able to travel without embarrassment of odors she has no control over. I have annual leave with the Postal Plant in September this year and, I'm actually going to try save enough money, so my mom and I can plan a trip to Hawaii. On September 14th mom will be 78 years old, and that's why I'd like to take her to Hawaii. Now thanks to Flat-D she'll be able to travel in confidence. I've traveled there twice, but she never has because of her flatulence problems. It's been her lifelong dream to get to visit Hawaii. Perhaps we can look you up since I too am a postal employee. She would love to meet the person who invented this wonderful product, and helped her to have a better quality of life. We are so happy with your product. Mom is a devout born again Christian and feels her prayers have been answered. Thanks again Brian
God Bless You and Yours, J.C.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: I am a new customer of Flat D Innovations, but have been very pleased with the product thus far. The customer service was good and delivery good as well. Overall, I would say my opinion is rated as excellent. Thank you, Debra
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Title: Chair pad
Body: Very interesting products! They have identified a need and fulfilled it in an innovative way. The site is easy to navigate, informative and easy to order from. The items arrived within days of placing the order
Comments: Price Rating: OK
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: My order was delivered by the USPO two days after I placed the order online. Very fast service! Excellent product that does work.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: OK
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Not Rated
Body: Oh my God this is the best product. I was very hesitant to order it, but I thought why not if it could help with my problem since my surgery. I used to get so embarrassed to go anywhere, now I have no worries. It works wonderful, great etc etc. I cant even explain how happy I am with this product.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: OK
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: I can't say enough wonderful things about the service or the product. After 40 years of trying absolutely everything Ive finally found something that works! Ill be eternally grateful to this company for offering such a simple thing to solve an extremely embarrassing problem.
Rating: Excellent
Price Rating:Excellent
Shipping Options Rating:Excellent
Delivery Rating:Excellent
Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent Customer Service Rating:Excellent
Title:Chair pad
Body:How in the heck does this work ! ! ! This is AMAZING ! ! ! I work in an office with cubicles and my co-workers were on the verge of kicking my @$$ because of my flatulance.... the Flat-D solved this problem 100% ! ! ! Theres not even a hint of smell any more.... NOTHING ! ! ! I dont know how it works.... but its amazing ! Ryan
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: Overall experience very satisfactory. Very pleased with the product, service, shipping, and transaction process. Price reflected in a bulk order, would have preferred to buy less, to try out, but as it ends up I am very pleased with the pads. I will order again and recommend to others needing this product. Thanks
Rating: Good
Comments: Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: OK
Delivery Rating: Good
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Title:United Kingdom
Body: The product arrived quickly from the US (1 week) and it works wonderfully well. I would recommend it to anyone with an odour problem.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: This is my third purchase from Flat-D. Every time the items have shipped and arrived incredibly fast. The items always arrived as ordered and in good shape, properly packaged. Emails were sent as confirmation of purchase and notification of shipment. Ive never dealt with customer service because I never needed to, but I gave them an excellent anyway based on the overall perception of the company.
Rating: Good
Comments: Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: Thank you for your great products. They are easy to use and helpful. The price was good and the delivery service excellent. This product has helped in dealing with a new a problem resulting from surgery, my son is grateful. Laura
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: I heard about this very helpful product from my daughter, and she gave me the ordering information. Ordering was very easy, and my Flat-D Deodorizer shields were mailed to me the next day. I am extremely happy with the product and service. Sincerely, Ann
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: OK
Shipping Options Rating: Good
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: really good product ! I had doubts, but its all they said it would be.this is my second order.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: I thought the products offered by Flat-d were very good. The company was helpful and was easy to use their order form and delivery was very prompt. I reccomend this product and company.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: I dont stink no more thanks to my flatty ds.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: Extremely satisfied with this merchant. That extra mile is reflected in the friendly, courteous, helpful customer service - reasonable price - immediate shipping and postal delivery to your door.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: What a wonderful product. I can fart and not really have to worry. Great.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: Great products, easy to order, and they arrive almost immediately!
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: great product - I love it.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: This product works as advertised, I am amazed!
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Title: It actually works
Body: I am very surprised and thankful for your wonderful product. Best regards.
Rating: Excellent
Comments: Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: OK
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Title: Fart Deodorizers
Body: Flat-D has come up with a helpful innovation. I have ordered a set of 5 deodorizers twice to date (the first five were mostly worn out although I lost one I didnt tape in). They do the job and, properly cared for - following the enclosed instructions - last for a couple of months. Delivery is timely; no options are given for delivery - they are shipped by first class mail which does the job well. When these are about worn out, I will buy some more.
Rating: Excellent
Price Rating:Good
Shipping Options Rating:Excellent
Delivery Rating:Excellent
Ease of Purchase Rating:Excellent Customer Service Rating:Good
Body:This product is amazing. It is so nice not to have to worry or warn others about passing gas. No more embarrassing moments.
Hello. I just received this order in the mail yesterday and I'd like to thank you for the quick shipping. I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you that I'm thrilled with your product. I knew I just had to have a flat-d pad when the night after learning of it I began having "relief" dreams (as opposed to anxiety dreams). My flat-d chair pad has been quite a big hit at work and the subject of many conversations. And I believe my new assistant who recently moved into my office is glad for it, too. Good luck with your company. I hope you can get your products marketed through drugstore chains soon. It ought to do well. Dan
Yahoo Rating: Excellent
Comments: It has been much more pleasant in our home since we received the Flat-D. Especially at night in our bedroom. "Fluffing" the covers no longer is a bad thing. Thank you Flat-D, you’re a breath of fresh air. (literally) Bowing to your greatness, Dawn
Yahoo Rating: Excellent
Comments: I work in an office in close proximity to my associates. After having undergone some major surgery, I was continually mortified at the unwanted odiforous emanations that I was forced to share with everyone. Thanks to Flat-D I have regained some dignity. I just want to let you know that the Flat-D has definitely made life much better for me and my family and friends ( even if they don't realize it). Thanks, Mike
Loan Officer:
Approximately two years ago I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), an illness, which required me to regularly take several medications. Eventually the combinations of these medications resulted in an embarrassing side effect---odorous gas. This adversely affected the quality of my life as my profession involved working closely with people on a daily basis. It got to a point where I was doing more conference calls versus meeting directly with my clientele. My family members also noticed changes in my demeanor and expressed concern because I no longer desired to attend previously enjoyed activities---going to performances such as opera, ballet, symphony and plays. Although feeling depressed, I found it much easier to remain home because then I would not have to deal with any unforeseen situations due to IBS.
Earlier this year, my husband and I happened to hear a radio disk jockey commenting about a unique invention that eliminates the odor from flatulence/gas. The product’s name is Flat-D. He said that the product’s spokesperson indicated it could benefit individuals like myself who were struggling with flatulence related conditions. Since the price was affordable and the customer’s satisfaction guaranteed, my husband and I agreed I had nothing to lose. So I placed an order that same evening, through “”
I have now been using the Flat-D for six weeks. No longer do I feel compelled to minimize face-to-face contacts with my clients and avoid attending public events and activities. Thanks to the Flat-D I have a renewed sense of confidence in knowing that I will not be embarrassed in public by symptoms related to my illness. I am grateful this product is now available and encourage you to give it a try, too! It will enhance the quality of your daily life—just like it did for me!
Marion L. (San Jose)
Flight Attendant:
My job as a flight attendant requires working in confined, oftentimes crowded spaces. Use of the Flat-D has helped to provide me with a feeling of security and comfort in knowing that odors caused by my monthly menstrual cycle will not be detected by anyone around me. No matter how close I might be in proximity to someone else, the odor is effectively concealed! Not only did it eliminate those odors, it also eliminated the odors from my gas. I can now save money in not having to purchase various feminine hygiene products, which temporarily masked some of the odors. You can rest assure the Flat-D will always be one of my preferred traveling companions. I know a few passengers that could use it!!
Never leave home without it!!!!!
Caroline T. (Miami)
As a proprietor of a popular ice cream and candy business, I am always sampling items rich in dairy products, creams and sugars. Unfortunately, my sensitivity to lactose over the years has left me prone to having uncontrollable gas. This is very embarrassing, especially when I’m standing near an employee or assisting customers.
I first heard about the Flat-D from a friend of mine. She happened to be looking at a cigar web-site, to order cigars for her husband. She noticed a box that had unique inventions. She clicked on the box and found the Flat-D. She gave me the web-site address and told me to check it out. Well, at first I was in denial and tucked the address away in my daily planner. Then a few weeks later, I overheard my employee’s conversation about the terrible odor caused by her boss’s farts. It was then that I knew my problem was affecting others, as well as myself and I needed to take serious measures to resolve it as quickly as possible. Needless to say, I located the information in my planner, got on the Internet and ordered the Flat-D.
It has been one and one-half months since I’ve been using the product. To date, I am proud to say that embarrassing odors are no longer an “occupational hazard” for me. Thanks to Flat-D, I am confident once again in my day to day interactions---personal and business----to ensure quality confections for my customers.
Harvey W. (Boston)
Amateur Chef:
I am a huge fan of Latin-American cuisine. I love to cook for and entertain friends and family members. Not only do enjoy cooking these dishes, I also enjoy eating them (Especially the bean dishes). However, I have always been plagued by gas whenever I ate anything with beans. Well, to make a long story short…. I was checking out this invention website and came across the Flat-D. I was curious to see if the Flat-D could indeed do what it claimed---eliminate odors. So I ordered the product via the website.
Upon receipt of the Flat-D, I was pleasantly surprised to feel how light and unobtrusive it was to wear. For the first time, I feel comfortable in being able to eat all of my favorite entrees without any fear of odors. Matter of fact, I can think of a few family members and friends who might also benefit from the use of your product. Guess I’ll have to let them in on my secret bean weapon. Great timing, just in time for the Holidays.
Viva la Flat-D
Yolanda V. (San Antonio)
Tow Truck Driver
I’m lactose intolerant and love to eat ice cream and drink milk but it causes me to have flatulence/gas. As a tow truck driver, I’m called upon at all times of the day or night. There were many times I’d have to pick up the customer along with their vehicle.
I remember having an incident that was very embarrassing. I received a call to assist a young lady with her broken down vehicle. Prior to arriving at the scene, I expelled an awful smelling fart. As I exited the truck I closed the door and forgot all about it. After hooking up the vehicle I offered the young lady a ride so that she could accompany her vehicle to the shop. As she opened the door I noticed a sour look on her face. At the same time, I opened my door and caught a whiff of this awful smell that I’d left in there earlier. Needless to say I was extremely embarrassed.
It just so happened I told my friend the story. He mentioned that he’d heard about a new product that came out called the Flat-D. I found out where to purchase the Flat-D and ordered it. I can honestly tell you that this product has never failed me. At the beginning I was hesitant on releasing any gas around people because I wasn’t sure if it would perform, the way they said it would. I wear the Flat-D daily and have the utmost confidence in the product. Since acquiring the Flat-D, I’ve never been embarrassed due to the odor of flatulence. Thanks FLAT-D for a great product.
Sam L. - Honolulu Hawaii
Wife Suggesting to Husband
My husband is constantly stinking up the house. I always had to burn candles or spray air freshener to mask the smell. Thanks to your product, his gas smell is taken care of at the source. He was skeptical at first but when I threatened to divorce him if he did not try it, he did and has been happy with the results. Thanks Flat-D.
Denise- Chicago, IL
I love my veggies and won’t give them up. From what I have read, us vegetarians have a natural reason for having stinky flatus. I have just grown to live with it and try to mask both the smell and sound. I tried Beano but it did not work for me, and I do not like taking drugs. I accidentally ran across your website and decided to try it. I was surprised to find it very comfortable when I installed it to my underwear. Sometimes I do not install it and just keep it in my pocket, just in case. I am going to tell all my friends about it, because it really works.
Angela- Charleston, SC
Your product has really helped me in the cramped space of my cockpit. I would sometimes notice the other guys using their mask to get some fresh oxygen. We eat out all the time and have some good and rich foods. They end up talking back to us later. When I feel the urge I usually quickly install it thru the back of my pants. Then I do not have to worry. It also does a nice job muffling the noise. You have eliminated the embarrassment I had. I am going to tell the other pilots about it.
Jim M. - Minneapolis, MN
Computer trainer
I work very close to people as a computer trainer. Unfortunately I am lactose intolerant but I love my cheese. One day I had a grilled cheese sandwich at lunch, and I paid for it that afternoon. I quickly installed my Flat-D and it greatly reduced the smell and sound of my farts. In the past I was quite embarrassed by the smell and sound and I think the people who came to my classroom gave me poor ratings due to my internal problems. This has been a god-send product.
William - Countryside, IL
I recently had the opportunity to try the Flat-D . Needless to say, I was rather partial, as my history with regards to embarrassing gas is well known by both friends and family. Thus the opportunity to use this product at a business dinner was a blessing in disguise!
In the car, on the way to the meeting, I decided to test the product. My wife, in her usual manner, started screaming for me to roll down the window. But I told her to leave them up as I was testing a new product. To her surprise, there was no foul odor associated with the event. I thought that maybe it was just one of the occasional gas moments that have no smell associated with it. So shortly before arriving at the meeting I managed to pass gas again. Sure enough, there was no smell!
After the car test, I felt a new sense of confidence with the advent of the upcoming meeting. While in the meeting I had many bouts with flatulence that normally I would be forced to hold to a point of pain, which in turn would cause me to leave the room in order to relieve myself. But with the Flat-D, I managed to ease out the gas and had no fear of an embarrassing odor!
This product has given me a new lease on life, both in terms of social benefits, and family quality of life!
Alan A.
Mililani, HI.
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