Doctor Recommendation

The Flatulence Deodorizer is an amazing new product which will help thousands of patients gain confidence and freedom.
I am a physician and we medical personnel have long known the deodorizing power of activated charcoal. However, until now, it has only been available in powdered form, which is messy and difficult to use, limiting its availability to the public. The Flatulence Deodorizer offers patients a neat, easy to use product which is unobtrusive and reusable.
Patients with intestinal conditions which lead to increased gas, such as lactose-intolerance, colitis, irritable bowel, or malabsorptive syndromes can go out to public places without fear of emitting embarrassing odors.
Patients taking antiviral medications, cholesterol lowering drugs, or certain antibiotics do not have to worry about offending those around them, giving them peace of mind and improved quality of life. Women who are concerned about odors associated with their menstrual periods can go about their business reassured.
I encourage any patient who has an intestinal gas or menstrual odor concern to try the Flatulence Deodorizer; it can improve their quality of life!
Dr. Rae Seitz M.D.
John A. Burns School of Medicine
Alpha Omega Alpha
Faculty Scholar at Harvard Medical School
Clinical Professor of Geriatrics @ John A. Burns School of Medicine
Board Certified in Internal Medicine
Board Certified in Pediatric Medicine
Board Certified in Hospice & Palliative Medicine
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