Odor Control, Odor Reduction, Neutralization and Measurement

For an odor to be detected, odorous compounds must be (a) formed, (b) released to the air, and (c) transported to the receptor site (a nose). These three steps provide the basis for most odor control. If any one of the steps is inhibited, the odor will diminish.
Many products only mask odors with strong scents, odor control technology actually neutralizes unpleasant odors making them undetectable to our sense of smell.
Odor is one of the most difficult things to measure. As most samples of odorous air contain a cocktail of smelly substances with each different odor thresholds it is nearly impossible to have an on-line analyzer or measuring system which can quantify and differentiate between these components. The standard method for measuring odors is the olfactory method (peoples noses). In a nutshell, samples of air are taken from the malodorous source and are "measured" by a panel of people.
Flat-D Innovations has many products for flatulence odor control. The Mask-D is used by medical professionals to work in excessive malodorous conditions. The Flatulence Deodorizer is used by thousands to eliminate the gas odor right at the source. Disk-D is a cover up scent in a small plastic disk. Pet odor control is available for canines with our Dogone product or the Dog Diaper.
ABOUT FLAT-D: Flat-D Innovations, Inc., privately-held and headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is the leader in flatulence odor control products. Flat-D Innovations has helped thousands of people worldwide (USA & International) and has gained recognition among the medical community. The Flatulence Deodorizer is Doctor Recommended, Patented, Better Business Bureau listed, and has been proven to be effective against odors associated with flatulence. By neutralizing the odors, The Flatulence Deodorizer eliminates the embarrassment (caused by the odor) and helps give these people back their freedom. "The Flatulence Deodorizer is the simplest, non-drug solution for the most disgusting of odors (flatulence)". The company has expanded their offering to include chair pads, incontinence pads, ostomy products, and even canine gas deodorizing diapers.
Contact Frank Morosky at Flat-D Innovations, Inc.
Email: Frank@Flat-D.com
Or: Brian Conant at Brian@flat-d.com
Toll Free 1-866-354-0056
International 319-447-4840
Website www.flat-d.com